Hi There!

Looks like you are ready to learn more about your benefits as a Federal Employee so that you too can potentially avoid critical mistakes in your retirement planning.

You have come to the right place!

We spend hundreds of hours every year working one-on-one with Federal Employees, traveling throughout the United States and learning what type of information they feel they need a better understanding on.  

Questions about their survivor benefits, social security, how FEHB works in retirement and the pros and cons of the TSP once you retire and tons more!

We love talking to Federal Employees about their benefits and even more so, we love to educate them so that when it comes time to plan for retirement they have the information that they need to do so.

Want more information?

We have the 3 Critical Concepts that most Federal Employees miss when planning their retirement.  Just like a university class we only offer this a few times a year to ensure that Federal Employees will get the most out of this.  

If you want to make sure you are notified when this Free class becomes viable, make sure you sign up below!